Monday, June 24, 2013

Getting Back In The Game- Massage Style

Hello everyone! It's been a while. Life's been crazy! But now I can get back to one of the things I love! Massage :)

I am now available for massages on Saturdays and Sundays. 

My rates are:
One hour massage: $65 (if I have to travel more then 20 miles, the one hour rate is $75)

If you line up two massages or would like a two hour massage: $55/ hr 

Massage parties: (I highly encourage these, it's the most cost effective and what a great day to spend with friends?!)

Massage parties are between 4-6 people (60 minute sessions, usually with a mini 5-15 minute break for me in-between) and the rate is $50/massage. The hostess/host will be discounted to $45 for their one hour massage the day of the party. 

As an incentive to you or your guests that book a massage party with in a weeks time of your party, the host/hostess will get an hour and a half massage at their party!

I appreciate all of you and your patronage.

In good health and relaxation,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Massage After Care

  • Drink plenty of water. Massage increases the flow of blood around your body and releases toxins. Its crucial to increase your intake of water for at least a couple of days after your massage to help re-hydrate your body and flush out the toxins that have been released.
  • Rest. Allow your body to enjoy the benefits of your massage and take it easy for a couple of days especially if it has been a long time since your last massage or if your muscles were very stressed.
  • Limit alcohol after the massage.  Alcohol and caffeine alike dehydrate your body. Stay away from both for at least 24 hours after your massage.
  • Eat a light, healthy meal. Proper nutrition aids in healing the body.
  • Book regular massages. Regular massages can help keep problematic muscle tension at bay. Talk with your massage therapist about a care plan and their recommendations to get you and keep you feeling great.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Universal Symmetry At It's Finest

From time to time, I am politely reminded by the universe that I am on this Earth for Spiritual growth. The universe sends me sweet nudges to get me back on my path, such as me turning on the television and a show is on (most likely by Wayne Dyer) and the message is exactly what I need to hear. Or, my sister, without even knowing she did this, reminded me that we are all human when I was relaying a situation where I was disgruntled with a friend’s boyfriend for picking apart a mutually shared favorite movie.

Yes, I am being nudged back onto my path, willingly. Today was yet another such opportunity for enlightenment. I have been experiencing headaches and severe shoulder and neck stiffness, even with massage, my symptoms keep reappearing. I awoke with a severe migraine this morning. I forced myself to get up and go to work, convinced that a chiropractic adjustment would help (which it did lighten the headache pain temporarily). Two adjustments and 1000 mg of Tylenol later, I threw in the towel and went home.

In the quiet space of my home, I could feel something tugging at me. It’s that gut feeling you get which we all ignore most of the time, especially when life is chaotic. But I’ve come to realize that the tugging is my spiritual soundboard letting me know I’m out of sync. And through experience, my headaches and migraines are a result of me ignoring that soundboard.

So the question remained, what is out of sync? What am I bottling up or putting off dealing with? Or even, is something bothering me subconsciously that I haven’t wanted to deal with consciously yet? This, admittedly, is the case more often then not.

After my migraine nap with ice packs, I picked up a book that the universe nudged me to read, “Wishes Fulfilled” by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Inexplicably, every time I pick up one of his books, what I read is exactly what I need to hear at that moment in time. In the Introduction, Wayne introduces a girl who suddenly came down with a severe case of bells palsy. With an inspirational and spiritual talk with this young woman and a craniosacral session, this girl realized that she has the power to heal herself. And today she has completely recovered from bells palsy without any lasting effects.

After reading that segment, I set the book down. With the help of my loyal lap cat, Angel, I did a white light healing meditation in which I repeated and let the feeling live throughout my body: “I am headache free”. Ten minutes later, I felt grounded and balanced and realized that I was being nudged to write out my feelings.

And so here I am, writing (and headache free mind you). I am awed at the symmetry of my life and my relationship with the universe at large. As a massage therapist, I help people get back to great health. But sometimes you see someone, two-three- or even ten times and they still have the same complaint as when they came in the first time. After their sessions, they feel great, but within an hour or two their symptoms reappear (sound familiar to how I started this article?). What I realize is happening, as I realized within myself today, that we all have the power to heal ourselves from the inside out. We have to believe that we can heal ourselves first, which is more difficult for some then we can imagine.

If your reading this, this is my way to express that this symmetry and enlightenment is available to everyone (and its not as scary as some may think, its actually helpful!)

Keep an open mind and a watchful eye and you will see the clues the universe has left lovingly for you. Follow them and you will not be disappointed at the enlightenment you will experience.

What are some signs left for you by the universe? Write a comment and share your wonderful story below! 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Study Finds Massage Therapy Out Performs Pain Meds

The American College of Physicians conducted a study "to provide a rigorous and balanced summary of the best available evidence about the effectiveness and safety and costs of the most popular complimentary and alternative medical therapies used to treat low back pain". Click on the link below to read the conclusions of their study. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What to Expect on Your First Massage Visit

Come on in… and relax

Will there be any paperwork?
It is recommended that on your first visit to show up about 10 minutes early to complete the introductory paperwork. The paperwork includes a brief health history and a couple of questions regarding any sore spots you might want worked on.

These questions are focused to better help your massage therapist understand your specific wants and needs. Before you begin your massage, you and your massage therapist will have a one-on-one consultation to design a massage tailored to you. After the consultation, your massage therapist will give you instructions on how to lay on the table and then step out of the room to let you disrobe and get on the table.

Since this is your first massage, your massage therapist will ask questions periodically throughout your massage such as, “How is the pressure?” and “Are you comfortable?” This helps support a line of open communication between you and your massage therapist.

What happens after the massage?
Once the massage is complete, your massage therapist will leave the room and once you are fully clothed, will come back in and ask you a question or two about what you did and didn’t like. This helps to further tailor the massage to your liking.

Commonly asked questions:

Do I have to disrobe fully for my massage?
No. You only have to disrobe to the level that you are comfortable with. Bear in mind that certain massage techniques cannot be performed well or not at all depending on the amount of clothing that is worn.

If I am pregnant, can I still receive massage?
Yes. Massage can be very beneficial to both the mother and the fetus. Massage reduces blood pressure, increases circulation, reduces swelling, and eases the pain of muscles and ligaments that are changing due to the growth of the fetus.

If I am uncomfortable, can I stop the massage?
Yes! Both the massage therapist and the client have the right to stop the massage at any time, for any reason.

If I am sick, can I still receive massage?
The general rule of thumb is if it is a communicable illness like a cold or the flu, then its best not to receive massage until the illness passes. If you have strep throat or any other illness that antibiotics are used for, then its best to wait at least 48 hours after taking the first dose of antibiotic so that you are no longer contagious.
If I am diabetic, can I still get a massage?
Yes. There are a few considerations to think of before you begin your massage. Check your blood sugar before the massage to make sure it is at a safe level. If you have recently given yourself a shot of insulin, let your massage therapist know where, as to avoid the area.

Can my son or daughter receive massage?
Massage is wonderful for a child’s growing body! Any child that is under the age of 18 must have a parents written consent to receive massage. Any child that is under the age of 16 must have a parent or guardian accompany the minor in the massage room for the duration of the massage.

Benefits of Combining Massage Therapy + Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care is used most often to treat neuromusuloskeletal complaints, including but not limited to; back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches.

Chiropractors practice a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling, according to the American Chiropractic Association.

Massage therapy
Massage is one of the oldest forms of therapy and is a system of gliding, kneading, and compressing different areas of the body to relieve pain, induce relation, stimulate muscles when necessary, and to tone the body. Massage also does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissues (the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone.

The benefits of massage may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves. Massage also stimulates blood circulation, improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.

Benefits of Combining Both Practices
Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care combined can be a powerful tool to add to your health care routine. Massage Therapy conditions the muscles so your chiropractic adjustment is easier and lasts for days longer. Likewise, when your joints are out of alignment, your muscles compensate for that misalignment, creating adhesion's, trigger points and tight muscles.

Massage Therapy + Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Relief is an option…

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal Tunnel is a very painful syndrome that affects the hands and wrists. This syndrome can strike anyone who uses his or her hands in a repetitive motion.

But massage therapy can help to diminish the devastating affects of this syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a compression of the median nerve as it passes under the transverse carpal tunnel ligament.

Some symptoms of CTS are pain, tingling, numbness and weakness of the affected hand. Muscle and connective tissue can shorten and swelling can occur.

Who is affected by CTS?
Workers who use their hands in repetitive movements are the most at risk. Typing, knitting, and factory work are just some of the examples of activities that can produce Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Other causes of CTS include, but are not limited to: fracture of the wrist, endocrine gland disorders such as diabetes, menopause, and tumors. Pregnancy can also be a trigger for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to the increased fluid retention.

How can massage help?
Through the use of massage, your massage therapist can manually reduce inflammation and swelling that can cause pain.

Various forms of massage applications can reduce muscle spasm, lengthen shortened muscles and soften and stretch connective tissue, thus restoring a more normal space around the nerve and relieving the impingement. When massage is combined with other appropriate methods, surgery is seldom necessary.

What If I Already Had The Surgery?
Massage is perfectly safe to be performed on the wrist once the incision has healed, depending on the severity; this usually takes about 2 to 4 months.

What if I’ve had the surgery, and still have CTS pain?
It is important to realize that surgery is not always a permanent fix for those who suffer from CTS, especially if you have returned to the kind of work that caused the CTS to begin with.

If surgery has been performed, massage therapy can be used to prevent re-entrapment of the nerve and to manage scar tissue.